Photoshop Elements 8 - Whitening Eye Tutorial

Photoshop Elements 8 - Whitening Eye Tutorial

We will focus on the eyes. In the tutorial "Eye laundering," I'll show you how "Red Eye". I want you to think about those dreaded photos where you've been caught "red eye" so to speak, or whites of the eyes are not ... well ... they are just not as white or clear as you would like them! Now imagine that I guide you through a few steps, the benefits as Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements can do for you in these situations, and how easy it is.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul ... So lets start by transforming one of the most important features on our face.

Before you begin, select the image you want to work.

Click File on the menu bar, click Open and navigate to the image you want to use.

1. Select the eye.

2. Focus on one eye.

Click on the icon in the tool box that looks like a magnifying glass.

3. In the toolbox, click the lasso icon, then select the polygonal lasso.

4. Using the polygonal lasso, click in the white of the eye, leaving the iris.

5. Hold the Shift key to your cursor on the other side of the iris and do the same thing.

Keep in mind that you do not have to press the Shift key once you get started, the little plus sign next to the polygonal lasso indicates that you add to an existing selection.

6. Hold the spacebar to scroll through the other eye and do the same thing using the method of the Shift key.

7. In the options bar, click refine edge.

8. In the cursor pen, it is advisable to have your set to five pixels.

Feathering is a technique used to soften the edges of an image in the foreground blends into the background image with less contrast.

9. Click the adjustment layer. It is a black circle half white, half.

10. Choose Hue / Saturation from the dropdown menu. Box or pallet hue / saturation on the screen.

11. Now, using the brightness slider moved to the right to brighten the eyes.

Try to find a natural brightness to the eyes, around the thirties usually does the trick.

12. If you want to see the before and after results, down to the preview area to see and deselect the previous result and choose to see the current results.

13. Click OK and you're done! ......