Learn Photoshop Elements to make people look their best in your digital photos

Learn Photoshop Elements to make people look their best in your digital photos

Photoshop Elements is able to make very specific changes to improve the appearance of people in your digital photos. Usually they are subtle. but effective improvements.

Photoshop Elements is a program for image editing relatively affordable (under $ 100), based on the much more expensive (over $ 600) and popular Photoshop. Both are made by Adobe.

It is a program designed with the novice photographer at home in mind. But do not think you'll be limited in your photo editing possibilities. Elements simply do not have some of the features that the full version of Photoshop that are required by a business or commercial environment. In fact, having a large number of features that you never use can all get in the way to find what you really need.

One of the many things that Photoshop Elements is very good, it is improving the way people look. And make me believe that you can make drastic changes in the appearance of a person using the program. But what I want to talk about are the more subtle that you can apply settings. Changes that can really help someone look their best without giving them a false appearance.

Red Eye

Start with a very common problem with photos: red eyes. Red eye occurs sometimes in photos when using the flash. More and more new devices have a feature that eliminates red-eye. But if you have, you can easily fix it with the removal tool red eyes. The removal tool red eyes is very quick and easy to use. Basically just a click of the mouse will.

Glare and reflections in the glass

Another common problem is glare or reflections of people wearing glasses. There is a technique to remove this using the healing brush and clone tool.

Skin Tones

You can also adjust the skin tones. People's skin sometimes appear washed out or they have a dominant natural color for them. There is a feature called "Setting the tone of the skin." This is another easy to use feature that can address these problems tool.


If someone happens to have a button on the nose when the photo was taken, you can use the Spot Healing Brush tool to easily remove it. Use this tool to remove moles and other blemishes too.

Whiten teeth

Another simple solution is to whiten teeth someone. One of the nice things about the elements is that it allows you to control how far to go with these settings. You do not want to go overboard with whitening teeth or they will look natural.

We just touched some of the tools and features in Photoshop Elements with regard to improving the appearance of the people in your digital photos. There are many other ways that the elements can help you improve your images. This is a very powerful program and does not cost an arm and a leg.

Long time professional Photoshop. Photoshop Elements passionate. Photoshop Elements provides useful help, advice, tutorials and videos on its website .......