First and foremost, I have to thank Ted Waitt at Peachpit
Publishing for making me a part of this book. Victor Gavenda
introduced me to Ted over a year ago, probably because I
wouldn’t stop harassing him with ideas! I think Victor finally
had enough of my incessant email messages and referred
me to Ted. Not knowing any better, Ted answered my email.
We started a dialogue and continued for nearly five months
before the opportunity came about to revise this book. So,
thanks to both of you!
What’s interesting about this book is that just days after attend-
ing Ben Willmore’s Photoshop seminar in Chicago, Ted
emailed me about Ben’s Adobe Photoshop CS3 Studio Techniques
book. Peachpit was looking for someone to revise the series for
the upcoming release of Photoshop CS4. So I have to thank
Ben Willmore for the opportunity to work with your outstand-
ing text, while still being able to add my own voice and imagery
throughout the pages. Keep up the great work, Ben!
From there, my appreciation and thanks go out to Nikki
McDonald and Robin Drake. These two have been the driving
force behind the book, working many late nights, while tack-
ling holidays, kids, and illness. Thanks for making this process
so smooth, and making the book what it is.
Thanks also to Daniel Giordan for helping out as technical
editor while he could. A bigger thanks goes to Peachpit’s
Lightroom Reference Guide host and all-around superhero,
Rob Sylvan, for stepping in literally at the last minute to pick
up the slack for our technical editing needs. Thanks, Rob! We
owe you one.
There are always key people behind the scenes who really
make these books come to life, such as Hilal Sala. Thank you,
Hilal, for making all the “other” stuff happen so we could
concentrate on content!
Thanks to all of you who have emailed, twitted, and blogged
during my months of sinking my teeth into this book. Your
support does not go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated.
Finally, thank you to my fantastic wife, Maria, and amazing
daughter, Amelia. Your support is what keeps me going.